iPad Music Apps » 4pockets https://www.ipadmusicapps.ca Make Music With Your iPad Wed, 19 Sep 2012 18:02:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://wordpress.org/?v=3.5.1 StompBox for iPad https://www.ipadmusicapps.ca/stompbox-for-ipad https://www.ipadmusicapps.ca/stompbox-for-ipad#comments Fri, 10 Aug 2012 20:44:08 +0000 hu789ko9 https://www.ipadmusicapps.ca/?p=1230

StompBox is a digital effects unit for the iPad.  It comes with a whole slew of effects ranging from delay to pitch shifting.  You’ll also get 7 different types of distortion for creating those extra grimy tones.  The 4 track recorder is ideal for looping backing tracks and you can easily sort through presets using your feet (in the event that your hands aren’t available).


While StomBox is clearly geared toward acoustic and electric guitar, it’s also very effective for bass – delivering clean, bold tones. The user interface is easy on the eyes and responds to touch well.


There have been some instability issues, but we’re confident that 4Pockets (the developer) will iron out those wrinkles.  If you need some quality effects processors, this isn’t a bad way to go.

https://www.ipadmusicapps.ca/stompbox-for-ipad/feed 0
Meteor for iPad https://www.ipadmusicapps.ca/meteor-for-ipad https://www.ipadmusicapps.ca/meteor-for-ipad#comments Wed, 02 May 2012 19:54:49 +0000 hu789ko9 https://www.ipadmusicapps.ca/?p=1017


Meteor is a multi-track workstation for the the iPad.  It gives you the ability to record and mix up to 12 tracks.  It houses a rich collection of features like importing and exporting MIDI files, Pasteboard support,  sample importing, effects processing and more.


Meteor has a lot to offer, but with that comes a sizable price tag.  The basic app starts at $20.  To get the most out of it, you’ll want to purchase some of the key add-ons like the Virtual Instruments Bundle ($15) and the MIDI editor plug in ($8).  Throw in a couple of extra effects and that will put you up around the $50 mark.


To a serious music professional, spending $50 is next to nothing for a solid music production platform.  However, we’d consider it somewhat pricey for anybody outside of that scope.  It’s definitely well worth the money in the right situation.


https://www.ipadmusicapps.ca/meteor-for-ipad/feed 2